Saturday 11 April 2015

Topic 7 Ticks & Mites

Ticks are small arachnids in the order Parasitiformes. Along with mites, they constitute the subclass Acarina.

Image result for what is ticks

Ticks have a complex life cycle that includes eggs, larvae, nymphs, and adult male and female ticks. The larvae, nymphs, and adults all need blood meals. Usually, the female adult (hard tick) is the one causing the most bites as males usually die after mating.

Ticks are small arachnids. Ticks require blood meals to complete their complex life cycles. Ticks are scientifically classified as Arachnida (a classification that includes spiders).
Image result for life cycle ticks


  • Babesiosis is caused by microscopic parasites that infect red blood cells. Babesia microti is transmitted by the blacklegged tick (Ixodes scapularis). 
  • Borrelia miyamotoi infection has recently been described as a cause of illness in the U.S. It is transmitted by the blacklegged tick (Ixodes scapularis) and has a range similar to that of Lyme disease.
  • Rickettsia parkeri rickettsiosis is transmitted to humans by the Gulf Coast tick (Amblyomma maculatum).
  • Tularemia is transmitted to humans by the dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis), the wood tick (Dermacentor andersoni), and the lone star tick (Amblyomma americanum).

- Tucking trouser leg into sock tops.
- Using tick repellent prior potential exposure.
- Keep laws and yards cut.
- Control domestic animals (host).

Image result for ticks

What is mites? ?
Mites are small arthropods belonging to the subclass Acari (also known as Acarina) and the class Arachnida.
Image result for mites

  1. Personal hygiene. 
  2. Keeping grasses cut short and removing vegetable near building. 
  3. Repellent. 
  4. Pesticides for outdoor residual treatment. 
Image result for mites
Image result for mites

Image result for mites  ' SEE IN ANOTHER POST' :)

Thursday 9 April 2015

Topic 6 Fleas & Lice

Fleas are the insects forming the order Siphonaptera. They are wingless, with mouthparts adapted for piercing skin and sucking blood. Fleas are external parasites, living by hematophagy off the blood of mammals and birds.

* Cats and dogs are the main host, human may also be affected by fleas bite. 
* Each bite produce a small, hard, red spot with a noticeable puncture wound. 
* Female flea only mate once but she can lay 25 eggs a day and produce several hundred eggs during    her life. 

- They can live for as few as 13 days or as long as 12 months.
- During that time, can produce millions of offspring.
- Though there are many species of fleas, the one that most often affects both dogs and cats in North     America is the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis.


 Image result for life cycle of fleas  (LIFE CYCLE)

1. Parasitic dermatitis is an allergic reaction that is caused by a pet's hypersensitivity to substances in     flea saliva.
2. Bartonella strains are bacterial parasites that are transmitted through flea or tick bites. Bartonella         can infect humans, dogs, cats and rodents.
3. The most notable flea is xynopsylla which carry Yersinia pestis.

What is Lice? ?

  • The head louse (plural, lice) is scientifically known as Pediculus humanus capitis, Infestation with head lice is medically known as Pediculosis capitis.
  • Head lice have no wings, so they cannot fly. They have six legs with claws at the ends that is how they attach themselves to hair.
  • Head lice infestations can happen to anyone, but they are a particular concern for school-age children. Children who live in crowded conditions may have more of a problem with head lice.  
  • It is important to emphasize that poor hygiene, skipped baths or showers. 
  • The only way head lice spread from one person to another is by direct head-to-head contact or by the sharing of hats, caps, hair ties, scarves, or any personal item such as combs. 


# Personal hygine.
# Avoid head-to-head (hair-to-hair) contact during play and other activities at home, school, camp.
# Do not share clothing such as hats, scarves, coats, sports uniforms.
# Do not lie on beds, couches, pillows, carpets, or stuffed animals that have recently been in contact      with an infested person.
# Vacuum the floor and furniture, particularly where the infested person sat or lay.

                                                 ' SEE IN ANOTHER POST'

Monday 6 April 2015

5.1 Lab report & Presentation

Image result for mosquito

This time En. Azam arahkan kami untuk mencari jentik-jentik di seluruh kawasan Unisel Shah Alam. Setiap kumpulan mempunyai 2 orang. Saya Pilih Jieha bestfriend saya untuk jayakan expedisi mencari jentik- jentik ini.

Setelah Pusing satu Unisel tapi still tak jumpa jugak. Hampir nak fed up! tiba-tiba ternampak satu tong yang ada separuh air, setelah pasang flash light, jumpa dalam 15 ekor.

(Jentik-jentik yang dijumpai di dalam tong bilik Anatomy di Unisel)
Aktiviti seterusnya kami di minta oleh En. Azam untuk memberitahu jenis jentik-jentik tersebut dengan menggunakkan microscope. HASILNYA:


Group kami terdiri dari 5 orang

  1.  Diana
  2. Thartchana
  3. Jieha
  4. Loges
  5. Hakim
New things yang saya belajar dari video presentation ini

  • nyamuk menyusun telurnya dengan rapi
  • takungan air di atap rumah (lorong laluan air)
  • nyamuk betina yang menyebabkan dengue
Enjoy The Show 


Topic 5 Mosquito

Image result for mosquito
All mosquito need water to breed. Mosquito are family of small, midge like flies. the word mosquito formed by mosca and diminutive.

* kenapa selepas nyamuk gigit baru kita rasa sakit dan gatal??
= sebab air liur nyamuk seumpama anesthetic buis yang digunakan oleh doktor untuk mencegah pembekuan darah.

4 type of mosquito
- Anopheles
- Culex
- Aedes
- Mansonia


Male mosquito

  • Live for a few day
  • Feed on plant

Female mosquito

  • Live for a few weeks
  • Feed on blood as source of protein for development of eggs


Image result for mosquito

- Vector Dengue
  • aegypti. 
  • albopictus
- Vector Malaria
  • lecosphyrus
  • balabacencis
  • maculatus
  • donaldi
  • sundaicus
1. Aedes aegypti
- denggi berdarah
- yellow fever
- chikungunya

2. Albopictus
- demam denggi

3. Anopheles
- malaria

4. Genus mansonia
- filariasis

5. Genus culex
- west nile fever
- japanese encefalitis
- st. louis encephalitis

Methods used to prevent the spread of disease, or to protect individuals in areas where disease is endemic, include:

- Vector control aimed at mosquito control or eradication
- Disease prevention, using prophylactic drugs and developing vaccines
- Prevention of mosquito bites, with insecticides, nets, and repellents


Tuesday 24 March 2015


Lab untuk kali ini, En. Azam tidak mahu bedah- bedah lalat segala. tapi kami disuruh untuk menyediakan dan mencipta perangkap lalat. Kumpulan saya, kami telah berfikir untuk mencipta perangkap lalat dengan menggunakan botol minuman spritzer.

Image result for mineral spritzer [ Inilah Hero kami :p ]

bahan- bahan yang digunakan sangat low cost dan mudah didapati :

  • 1 Botol minuman terpakai 
  • Tape
  • Gunting
  • Pisau
  • Gula
  • Air
Cara-caranya sangat mudah,

  1. Potong botol minuman tersebut kepada dua bahagian.
  2. Corong di terbalikkan menhala kebawah.
  3. Tape dibahagian permukaan supaya ia lebih ketat dan tidak longgar.
  4. Masukkan gula didalam periuk dan masak sehingga gula itu hancur.
  5. Setelah gula telah hancur biarkan seketika sehingga hilang panas dan tuangkan kedalam botol tersebut. 
  6. Siap DIY Fly Trap kami :)

 ( Hasil Dari Kami )

Presentation kumpulan amalia menceritakan tentang penyakit yang dibawa oleh myiasis dan DIY perangkap lalat. sangat awesome!


Monday 16 March 2015

Topic 4 flies

Flies is like mosquito, the most obvious distinction from other insect.  The only other order of insects bearing two true.
larval stage known as maggot, flies as carrier. 
Flies divide by two 
- bite (sand flies, houseflies, deerflies)
- non bite (bottleflies, screwworm flies)


  • Tubuh lalat di penuhi bulu jika dilihat melalui microscope. 
  • Ulat sampah (maggot) akan membesar dan menjadi seekor lalat yang sihat. 

Cycle of life flies



Place of breeding
* Market
* Domestic house
* Farm

Mode Of Transmission
1. On their mouthparts
2. Through their vomits
3. On their body and led hairs
4. fly feces

Disease causes by flies??
  • Myiasis
  • Typhoid
  • Cholera
  • Salmonella
  • Tuberculosis
  • Leprosy
  • Anthrax

Control of Flies
- Clean the kitchen thoroughly
- Use vinegar
- Using plants to deter flies
- Good solid waste management

Image result for flies 
              (See you in another post)

Thursday 5 March 2015

3.1 Lab report & Presentation

Image result for xenopsylla cheopis  

We doing second laboratory report about rodents. Kami sekumpulan dapat tangkap 2 ekor tikus sahaja, iaitu seekor jantan dan seekor lagi betina. 

 (Female rat)

 (Male rat)

Reason why we doing this experiment, untuk mencari kutu yang berada dibulu tikus tersebut. Name of the flea is xenopsylla cheopis

 (xenopsylla cheopis) (Taken from

Yersinia pestis paling sering ditemukan pada tikus, boleh juga boleh didapati apa haiwan lain contohnya:
  • Tikus(Mice)
  • Squirrels
  • Kutu
  • Kucing
  • Anjing
  • Tikus Kayu
  • Chipmunks

                      (Find the fleas)
Based on result we did not found flea inside rats fur.


Here I attach together with a video clip for the readers to enjoy!

2nd PRESENTION About RODENTS by Nanie group
En. Azam berpuas hati dengan hasil kerja mereka. Mereka menceritakan cycle of life rats, 
how rats enter the house, and latest issues about Leptospirosis disease. 

  " See you in another post " 

Thursday 12 February 2015

Topic 3 Rodents

Image result for house mice

Pada class kali ini, En.Azam telah mengajar kami tentang chapter rodents iaitu tikus. Kucing, arnab, anjing juga digolongan rodents. Jejaka yang berkemeja merah hati dan berkaca mata iaitu pensyarah kami telah meminta supaya setiap group harus membawa satu ekor tikus pada class seterusnya bagi tujuan experiment kedua kami.
Species of rodents

1- Roof rats (Rattus rattus)

2- Norway rats (Rattus norvegius)

3- House mice (Mus musculus)

Did you know? example disease that can directly and indirectly transmitted by rodents

> Leptospirosis
> Plague
> Tularemia
> Salmonellosis
> Rat-Bite fever
> Scrub typhus
> Babesiosis
> West Nile Virus
> Murine typhus
>Lyme Disease

What should you ALERT!
1. Remove all dead palm fronds.
2. Trim tree limbs and high plants six feet away from roof, and utility lines.
3. Avoid double fencing. It provides space for rodent harborage.
4. Remove dog droppings daily and feed pets away from vegetation and harborage areas.
5. Remove old vehicles and non-salvageable items from property.
6. Elevate stored items at least 18 inches above ground and 12 inches from walls and fences.
7. Seal gaps around pipes entering walls with 1/4 inch hardware cloth, sheet metal, concrete.
8. Screen openings at intersecting roof eaves and where chimney intersects roof.
9. Dispose of trash properly. 14. Remove and properly discard ripe and fallen fruits and vegetables.
10. Clean and organize garage and storage buildings. Make certain doors close properly.

Sign of rat's presence
- Carcass
- Nest
- Urine
- Live rat
- Smell
- Runaway
- Feaces
- Bitemarks
- Burrows
- Footprints

"See in another post"

Sunday 8 February 2015

Topic 2.1 Cockroaches Experiment & Presentation

Today we were doing experiment cockroaches. Each group have to bring one cockroaches, my luck saya dapat lipas American dan lipas German. Terima kasih Ibu &Ayah bantu saya tangkap lipas. Pada permulaan, sir Azam  tunjuk  cara mematikan lipas tersebut menggunakan alcohol. Lipas yang hidup dan masih active direndam dalam bekas air alcohol within 15 second  ia telah mati.        
(Lipas yang telah dispray dengan 70% Alcohol)

                (Spray Alcohol)

Setelah selesai mematikan lipas tersebut, kami diarahkan untuk menceraikan setiap anggota badannya. Lipas tidak mempunyai usus kecil atau besar seperti manusia, ia hanya mempunyai usus besar dan panjang, dan mempunyai 4 lapisan sayap. kami dikehendaki melukis dan menyiapkan laporan tentang lipas tersebut, Hasil yang dimiliki,

              (Melukis bentuk badan lipas)

                    (Antara sayap lipas)

                     (Lipas German)

                        (Lipas American)

Pada hari berikutnya iaitu friday, kumpulan nad's (Nadirah) telah melakukan pembentangan short movie yang bertajuk cockroaches dengan jayanya. Mereka melakukan dokumentari dan juga berlakon. En, Azam berpuas hati dengan hasil mereka. Pengajaran yang saya dapat dari cerita klip video mereka ialah sentiasa menjaga kebersihan rumah, tutup semua makanan, gunakan semburan racun serangga dan dapur sentiasa bersih dan kemas.

7 cara untuk mengesan lipas ialah:
1- melalui telur lipas
2- tahi lipas
3- kesan gigitan
4- lipas itu sendiri
5- bau
6- kesan laluan lipas
7- bangkai lipas

" See in another post "  =)

Thursday 29 January 2015

Topic 2 Cockroaches

Today we learn about  the cockroaches. Banyak new things yang kami belajar and  make us surprise. For example, cockroaches can live almost two week without water, some female cockroaches only mate once and stay pregnant for life, can live a week without a head and can run up to 3 miles a hour. And for your information cockroaches do not flying but gliding motion.
* Lipas adalah haiwan yang paling susah untuk mati! (FACT)

Type of cockroaches is :

           (American cockroaches)
- 1.5- 2 inches length.
-American  can found in basement, warm, dark, moist location.
- Reddish brown with a yellowish band behind the head.

           (German cockroaches)
- Can be found in restaurant, homes, hotel.
- Adult are 1/2 inch 5/8 inch long.
- Light to medium brown with 2 dark distinctive stripe behind the head.

           (Oriental cockroaches)
- Dark brown or black species.
- Habitat include sewere, damp basement, outbuilding.
- Tends to favour colder climates.

Short movie tentang lipas bertelur dari laman web                     YouTube

Control and Preventive measures

=> Reduce food and water sources.
=> Eliminate hiding places.
=> Avoid sprays.

 Anak lipas masuk bawah kipas,
 hati panas sebab terlepas.

" See you in another post :) "

Saturday 24 January 2015

TOPIC 1 Introduction

Hari ini merupakan perjumpaan kedua untuk class En. azam.
first class haritu sir ( En. Azam ) hanya beri introduction about vector & pest and syllabus we gonna learn within 14 weeks.
Our first lecture is MAN&INSECTS. Before class begin, sir give us 5 minutes to write what is integrated vector & pest also example of vector. Integrated bermaksud, kombinasi yang terbaik  dengan cara MURAH, BERKESAN, dan KURANG KESAN SAMPINGAN. Manakala example of vector, cockroach, rodent, flies and mosquito. So, our topic start with history. For example orang summarian menggunakan sulfur untuk menghalau serangga perosak, manakala zaman greek dan romans menggunakan oil spray, abu, sulphur oitment untuk melindungi diri mereka, ternakan binatang dan juga tanaman.
Vector terbahagi kepada dua iaitu welcome and unwelcome. Welcome contohnya yang memberi kebaikan bee, ladybird,honeybee,butterflies, lain pula pada unwelcome contohnya memberi keburukan nyamuk, anai-anai, lipas, tikus dan lain-lain lagi.
What is vector?
Vector means carrier/taxi that trasmit the disease to human, vector pembawa bukan penyebab.
vector(agent) -> trasmit -> human(disease)
Pest pula membawa masalah/create problem by own, merosakkan harta benda contohnya fleas, birds, lice, cockroach, bacteria and fungi.
Vector- organism that carries a pathogen with it.
Pest- Pests are in themselves the problem.
Three basic integrated  (IPM)
 inspection, identification, treatment.
Why we have to use pest management?
      To comply with law, to prevent damage, prevent the spread of disease.   "See you in another post"