Thursday 12 February 2015

Topic 3 Rodents

Image result for house mice

Pada class kali ini, En.Azam telah mengajar kami tentang chapter rodents iaitu tikus. Kucing, arnab, anjing juga digolongan rodents. Jejaka yang berkemeja merah hati dan berkaca mata iaitu pensyarah kami telah meminta supaya setiap group harus membawa satu ekor tikus pada class seterusnya bagi tujuan experiment kedua kami.
Species of rodents

1- Roof rats (Rattus rattus)

2- Norway rats (Rattus norvegius)

3- House mice (Mus musculus)

Did you know? example disease that can directly and indirectly transmitted by rodents

> Leptospirosis
> Plague
> Tularemia
> Salmonellosis
> Rat-Bite fever
> Scrub typhus
> Babesiosis
> West Nile Virus
> Murine typhus
>Lyme Disease

What should you ALERT!
1. Remove all dead palm fronds.
2. Trim tree limbs and high plants six feet away from roof, and utility lines.
3. Avoid double fencing. It provides space for rodent harborage.
4. Remove dog droppings daily and feed pets away from vegetation and harborage areas.
5. Remove old vehicles and non-salvageable items from property.
6. Elevate stored items at least 18 inches above ground and 12 inches from walls and fences.
7. Seal gaps around pipes entering walls with 1/4 inch hardware cloth, sheet metal, concrete.
8. Screen openings at intersecting roof eaves and where chimney intersects roof.
9. Dispose of trash properly. 14. Remove and properly discard ripe and fallen fruits and vegetables.
10. Clean and organize garage and storage buildings. Make certain doors close properly.

Sign of rat's presence
- Carcass
- Nest
- Urine
- Live rat
- Smell
- Runaway
- Feaces
- Bitemarks
- Burrows
- Footprints

"See in another post"

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