Monday 16 March 2015

Topic 4 flies

Flies is like mosquito, the most obvious distinction from other insect.  The only other order of insects bearing two true.
larval stage known as maggot, flies as carrier. 
Flies divide by two 
- bite (sand flies, houseflies, deerflies)
- non bite (bottleflies, screwworm flies)


  • Tubuh lalat di penuhi bulu jika dilihat melalui microscope. 
  • Ulat sampah (maggot) akan membesar dan menjadi seekor lalat yang sihat. 

Cycle of life flies



Place of breeding
* Market
* Domestic house
* Farm

Mode Of Transmission
1. On their mouthparts
2. Through their vomits
3. On their body and led hairs
4. fly feces

Disease causes by flies??
  • Myiasis
  • Typhoid
  • Cholera
  • Salmonella
  • Tuberculosis
  • Leprosy
  • Anthrax

Control of Flies
- Clean the kitchen thoroughly
- Use vinegar
- Using plants to deter flies
- Good solid waste management

Image result for flies 
              (See you in another post)

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