Thursday 29 January 2015

Topic 2 Cockroaches

Today we learn about  the cockroaches. Banyak new things yang kami belajar and  make us surprise. For example, cockroaches can live almost two week without water, some female cockroaches only mate once and stay pregnant for life, can live a week without a head and can run up to 3 miles a hour. And for your information cockroaches do not flying but gliding motion.
* Lipas adalah haiwan yang paling susah untuk mati! (FACT)

Type of cockroaches is :

           (American cockroaches)
- 1.5- 2 inches length.
-American  can found in basement, warm, dark, moist location.
- Reddish brown with a yellowish band behind the head.

           (German cockroaches)
- Can be found in restaurant, homes, hotel.
- Adult are 1/2 inch 5/8 inch long.
- Light to medium brown with 2 dark distinctive stripe behind the head.

           (Oriental cockroaches)
- Dark brown or black species.
- Habitat include sewere, damp basement, outbuilding.
- Tends to favour colder climates.

Short movie tentang lipas bertelur dari laman web                     YouTube

Control and Preventive measures

=> Reduce food and water sources.
=> Eliminate hiding places.
=> Avoid sprays.

 Anak lipas masuk bawah kipas,
 hati panas sebab terlepas.

" See you in another post :) "

Saturday 24 January 2015

TOPIC 1 Introduction

Hari ini merupakan perjumpaan kedua untuk class En. azam.
first class haritu sir ( En. Azam ) hanya beri introduction about vector & pest and syllabus we gonna learn within 14 weeks.
Our first lecture is MAN&INSECTS. Before class begin, sir give us 5 minutes to write what is integrated vector & pest also example of vector. Integrated bermaksud, kombinasi yang terbaik  dengan cara MURAH, BERKESAN, dan KURANG KESAN SAMPINGAN. Manakala example of vector, cockroach, rodent, flies and mosquito. So, our topic start with history. For example orang summarian menggunakan sulfur untuk menghalau serangga perosak, manakala zaman greek dan romans menggunakan oil spray, abu, sulphur oitment untuk melindungi diri mereka, ternakan binatang dan juga tanaman.
Vector terbahagi kepada dua iaitu welcome and unwelcome. Welcome contohnya yang memberi kebaikan bee, ladybird,honeybee,butterflies, lain pula pada unwelcome contohnya memberi keburukan nyamuk, anai-anai, lipas, tikus dan lain-lain lagi.
What is vector?
Vector means carrier/taxi that trasmit the disease to human, vector pembawa bukan penyebab.
vector(agent) -> trasmit -> human(disease)
Pest pula membawa masalah/create problem by own, merosakkan harta benda contohnya fleas, birds, lice, cockroach, bacteria and fungi.
Vector- organism that carries a pathogen with it.
Pest- Pests are in themselves the problem.
Three basic integrated  (IPM)
 inspection, identification, treatment.
Why we have to use pest management?
      To comply with law, to prevent damage, prevent the spread of disease.   "See you in another post"